Nov 19: Learning to Run



Learning to Run by Nathaniel Bronner,

The two-year old likes to run.

It warms my heart when I see his funny movements as he runs. It also scares me because young children have a tendency to fall very easily.

I was out shopping with my sons when the two-year old started to run.

He fell.

If you are a parent, you completely understand the phrase,”it hurts you more than it does them.” There is something that pains worse than physical torment to see your little one hurt. He skinned his knee and elbow. He cried for a few minutes and finally with the soothing of Daddy, quieted down.

We are like my two-year old.

There are so many areas of life where we must run: some by choice, some by the force of circumstances. There are so many new things. There are so many times when our steps are unsure and we are not experienced runners.

The older I get, the more I understand how a Divine Father can let us go through some things and fall. I was tempted to stop my son when I saw him run. I knew that sooner or later, if not that day then one day, he would fall.

I also knew that if he was to ever learn how to run, he must fall, and often I had to watch him do it.

I fell in business several times before I was able to run.

I fell in relationships several times before I had sense enough to stop looking for perfection and know that we all have faults.

Even your second child is reared differently from the first because you learn some things from falling with that first one.

I fell off of my bicycle.
I fell off of my motorcycle.
I fell on skates (roller and ice).
I even choked a few times while learning to swim.

We often fall when learning to run the things of life.

Too often bruises stop us from ever trying to run again. We are afraid that we will slip and get hurt. We are afraid of the pain.

My son runs much better now. I still wince when I see him run on a hard surface but he won’t stop running.

At only two, he has one of the keys of life.

He won’t stop running just because he fell.

Your bruises will heal, you will get up, and the path will still be there.

Though at times you may not think it so, The Divine Father is still watching over you.

He just knows that He has to let you fall, If you are ever to learn to run.


Falling, failing often creates fear.  When that fear becomes crippling rather than simply making me cautious, it becomes a problem.  The Bible says in II Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. ”   When I remember to give those fears to Him, when I remind myself that He is in control, I throw away my fear-made crutches and walk again in the freedom of His protection. I am so thankful for this protection in the midst of life’s trials!   If you are walking in fear today, throw yourself into His awesome arms and ride out the storm in His protective shelter.

Have a blessed day!




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