A Hug

A Hug- Author Unknown

The Hug!

It’s wondrous what a hug can do.

A hug can cheer you when you’re blue.

A hug can say, “I love you so,”

Or, “Gee, I hate to see you go.”

A hug is, “Welcome back again.”

And, “Great to see you! Where’ve you been?”

A hug can soothe a small child’s pain,

and bring a rainbow after rain.

The hug! There’s just no doubt about it-

we scarcely could survive without it!

A hug delights and warms and charms.

It must be why God gave us arms.

A hug can break the language barrier,

and make your travels so much merrier.

No need to fret about your store of ’em,

the more you give, the more there’s more of ’em.

So stretch those arms without delay

and give someone a hug today!
I remember not so very long ago when hugs were not a big part of my life. Days when I wished more than anything to have someone to just hold me- that’s all, just to feel loving arms around me. I don’t come from a family of huggers, in fact, more often than not when I was a child, many members of my family avoided touching at all if they didn’t have to. I didn’t really know what I was missing until I got my first job and taught in a school full of ‘touchers.’ These people couldn’t have a conversation without touching you on the arm or the shoulder to emphasize a point. Although it felt uncomfortable at first, I soon became a ‘toucher’ too. I think human contact is a need that is built into us from birth.

The best touch of all, and the one that so many people are searching for without realizing it, is the touch of God in our lives. We have this big empty space in our innermost self that can only be filled by Him. When we try to fill it with stuff, or money, or people or drink/drugs as so many do, that hole seems to get bigger rather than smaller. It is never filled except by Him. He is always there waiting for that relationship but never forces Himself on us. Sometimes we can sense Him in a big way, but other times, He is easy to miss because He is waiting in the stillness of a search to find Him. But His love is always there for us. He loves us so much that ‘He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Not life as we know it with all its pain, turmoil and troubles, but eternal life with Him in the most wonderful place imaginable- no, even more wonderful than we can ever imagine.

If you are feeling hugless today, turn to Him and accept His amazing gift and His loving embrace!

Have a blessed day!

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